



This dialog is used for enter any detail of motherboard for actual owner. It`s entering is optional and is used only for your needs. This will display, if you choose äSelect Owner... ö:



This will display, if you choose äSelect Owner... ö and clicked on äEditö or äAdd New Owner...ö buttons:



äGraphic Card Portö û here you can chaose, which type of port is used for graphic card.

äFormatö û here you can choose, which format have motherboard.

äPortsö û here you can chaose, how much an which ports your motherboard conatins.

äOtherö û here you can chaose other details.

äOKö û choose, if you want to save data. If you don`t want to save them, click on äCloseö button.

äCloseö û chaose, if you want to close dialog without saving.


When you choose some details, appearance of äDetailsàö button on Main Window is changed too. Now, button`s caption will be in bold. If details not exist, caption will be in normal font.